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Feng Shui KUA Number 7 (Dui / Tui)

Tips, Enhancers, Cures and Remedies for Lucky and Unlucky Directions For KUA 7

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And Discover your Auspicious or Lucky and Inauspicious or Unlucky Directions for your KUA Number along with personal Feng Shui Tips, Remedies & Cures
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KUA Number 7   (Dui or Tui)
Feng Shui 4 Good / Auspicious / Lucky Directions
For Money and Success
(Sheng Chi)
For Good Health (Tien Yi) For Better Love & Romance Life
(Nien Yen)
For Personal Growth, Education, Good Luck
(Fu Wei)
Northwest       Southwest Northeast West
      Feng Shui Tips and Enhancers to Activate and Energise Your Lucky Directions
    * The main door of your house and work place should face this direction because this is your money and success direction.
    * Having your office or desk in your success direction will encourage wealth and improve your career luck.
    * To enhance your good fortune and for your protection,  place a pair of Qi Lins in this area.
     * Sleep in this direction. This will help you stay healthy.
   * To energize your Health Direction, use a door that faces South West.
    * Enhance your health luck by placing pair of Wuloo by your bed side.
     * Display semi-precious stones or earthern ware pots in this area.
   * Always keep this area neat and clean and free from all clutter.
   * To enhance your love life, place a pair of mandarin Ducks.
    * Place a Double Happiness symbol to brighten up your love life.
   * To activate your personal growth and good luck, place a crystal globe here and spin it daily.
   * This area is very good to display statues and paintings that symbolize strength. An elephant or a horse can be displayed here.
KUA Number 7
Feng Shui 4 Bad / Inauspicious / Unlucky Directions
Bad Luck                Five Ghosts Six Killlings Total Loss Least Worst Direction
(Ho Hai)
North     South Southeast East North
          Feng Shui Cures and Remedies to Prevent / Nullify the Bad Effects of Unlucky Directions
    * Do not enhance this area. Just keep it clean and tidy.
    * Never display moving items like clocks or wind chimes etc. or anything thing that may enhance the negative energies here.
    * Place a pair of Qi Lins facing north to suppress the negative Chi.
    * Do not sleep in this area otherwise it will affect your health.
    * Do not face this direction when working or this will attract troubles.
       * Use objects of the earth element such as ceramic or earthenware pots in this area.
   * To weaken the effect of the negative energy, place a Qi Lins here and let it face southeast.
    * Placing Kuan Kung statue here will impart protection  against fraud, treachery and hidden attack from behind by your secret enemies.
    * Do not energise this area of your home by placing moving items like clocks etc.
   * You should never face this direction when working. It is your total loss direction. Facing this direction will prevent you from succeeding in business or will cause obstacles in your career and promotion.
    * The main door of your house and work place must not face this direction because it could cause disagreements, disputes between you and your relations.  It would also exercise a bad effect on your wealth prospects.
* Use this direction when there is no other alternative.

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