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SAGITTARIUS Sun Sign (Dhanu Rashi)


(DHANU Rashi)

Western System : Nov. 22 to Dec. 21

Indian System :  Dec. 15 to Jan. 13

SAGITTARIUS Sun Sign (Dhanu Rashi)
General Characteristics :

Sagittarius (Dhanu Rashi) People are under the influence of Jupiter which makes them lively, hopeful and energetic.  They are optimistic, stick to their ideas inspite of criticism or opposition. They take the side of the poor, the downtrodden and the underdog. They are truly humanitarian in their approach. They love freedom. They think big, dream big and try to implement  their ideas. Under the negative influence, they may become over-ambitious, headstrong and boastful and impatient. They may lose their good power of judgement if not careful.

Love : 

Since Sagittarians are by nature friendly and extrovert, they develop good relations with the opposite sex. They sometime ignore the faults of their loved ones and  can go to extremes to make sacrifices for them. They should learn to be practical and discreet in their love relations.

Useful Information for Sagittarians :
      Good career choices for them are:

              preacher, teacher, sports, broker, educator,                              academician,  music,  pilot

    * Ruling planet is Jupiter.
    * Lucky color is purple, Yellow.
    * Lucky gemstone is topaz .
    * Lucky numbers : 3, 5 and 8.

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