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Birth Time Rectification by


Get your Birth Time Rectified for Best Astrological Results and Forecast


In Astrology, there are three requirements to cast a horoscope viz.  date of birth, time of birth and place of birth. Usually, date and place of birth are known, but in many cases the time of birth is either not known at all or it is just an approximate time  with a high degree of inaccuracy. But, it is very important for an astrologer to have the correct birth time of his client. In its absence,  a correct horoscope cannot be cast and as a result, correct predictions cannot be made. Therefore, availability of a corrct birth time is must for an astrologer.

While today, quartz and high precision watches  have enabled the doctors and nurses to record the correct time of birth, in good old days only mechanical watches were available which were notorious for their incorrect time. These watches would  loose or gain time to a considerable extent. Then in old days, there was not much awareness of the importance to record the correct time of birth.  In many cases, parents as well as the native forget entirely the correct time of birth.

Birth Time Rectification comes under the purview of an expert astrologer. The accuracy of  a  horoscope can be measured after studying the horoscope and tallying  the main events that have already happened in the life of the native. If the events tally, the horoscope is correct, and obviously, if the events do not tally the horoscope is incorrect and in that case  "Birth Time Rectification" is required.

If you do not know your birth time, or you have forgotten, then do not worry. At, we can rectify your birth time. For this task, all you  need is to send us your day, month, year and place of birth and  the approximate time of your birth. You can possibly tell whether you were born in the early morning, in the after noon, in the evening, or at night or mid night etc. It is desirable and advisable that besides these details,  you must provide us with the details of  your physical features, your nature, likes, dislikes and some main  events which happened in your life in past.  Such past events could be some childhood accident, education, marriage, death in family, divorce, disease, purchase of property, number of siblings, birth of children,  condition of parents,  or any other event which you  think is important.  We shall rectify your date of birth on the basis of the details provided by you.

Your Correct Time Of Birth Is Just A Click Away!


BTR Service Price: INR (Indian Rupees) 700.00 or US $ 15.00

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*Birth Time Rectification Service is not available at this time.

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