Select Your Personal KUA Number And Discover your Auspicious or Lucky and Inauspicious or Unlucky Directions for your KUA Number along with personal Feng Shui Tips, Remedies & Cures |
KUA Number 1 | KUA Number 2 | KUA Number 3 | KUA Number 4 | KUA Number 5 Male |
KUA Number 5 Female | KUA Number 6 | KUA Number 7 | KUA Number 8 | KUA Number 9 |
Don't know your personal KUA number ? Calculate Instantly Your Personal KUA Number and Lucky Directions with Powerful 220+ Tips & Remedies Download Feng Shui KUA Fortune Teller It is 100% free! |
KUA Number 3 (Zhen / Chen) Feng Shui 4 Good / Auspicious / Lucky Directions |
For Money and Success (Sheng Chi) |
For Good Health(Tien Yi) | For Better Love & Romance Life (Nien Yen) |
For Personal Growth, Education, Good Luck (Fu Wei) |
South | North | Southeast | East |
Feng Shui Tips and Enhancers to Activate and Energise Your Lucky Directions | |||
* Let the main door of your house and of work place face this direction. This will attract wealth and abundance. * Face this direction while working and sleeping with your head in this direction. This will enhance your money luck. * To activate this area, display horses surrounded by golden ingots. |
* Sleeping with your head pointing in this direction will promote your health. * To improve the circulation of Chi' place a water feature like an aquarium or a fountain in this area. * To symbolize a long and healthy life, place a metal tortoise here. |
* Enhance this area with a pair of wooden mandarin ducks. * Place a pair of Rose Quartz in this area to enhance your love luck. * Display a green plant or a green jade money plant. |
* Sleep with your head pointing to this direction for your career and personal growth. * Display an image of a green dragon. * Place green plants in the area as an enhancer. * To energise this area, place any water feature. | |
KUA Number 3 Feng Shui 4 Bad / Inauspicious / Unlucky Directions |
Bad Luck | Five Ghosts | Six Killlings | Total Loss | Least Worst Direction (Ho Hai) |
Southwest | Northwest | Northeast | West | Southwest |
Feng Shui Cures and Remedies to Prevent / Nullify the Bad Effects of Unlucky Directions | ||||
* Avoid sitting or facing this direction. * Do not enhance this area with crystals or items made from the earth element. * To protect yourself from negative energies, hang a coin sword here. * Do not have your desk at your work place face this direction as it could lead to arguments, disputes and loss of authority. |
* Avoid this direction for all activities. * This area is good for your toilet, kitchen or a store room because it will help keep the Five Ghosts under control. * It is advisable not to display flowers or plants here. * Hang crystal balls here to weaken the effect of the negative forces. |
* Your main door must not face this direction. * Do not use red color in this area. * If your bedroom is in this area, place a 6 coin set to combat the negative energy. |
* Do not work or sleep facing this direction. * Your main door must not face this direction. * It is good to display a pair of Fu Dogs facing this direction for protection. |
* Use this direction when there is no other alternative. | |
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