Numerology Forecast Report
Name : Jeffrey Archer
Sex : M
Date of Birth : Monday, 15 April 1940
Place of Living :
Alphabet System : CHALDEAN
******************* IN NUTSHELL *******************
Your Name Number (Expression No.) is : 3
Your Birth Number is : 6
Your Fate Number is (Life Path No) : 6
Your Astrological No. & Sun Sign are : 9, ARIES (MESH) WESTERN (SAYAN)
Your Name's Compound Number is : 12
Your Desire Number is : 7
Your Intimate Number is : 5
Heredity No. (Family Name No.) is : 9
Total Number of Letters in your Name : 13
No of Consonants / No. of Vowels : Consonants: 9 Vowels: 4
Your Lucky Dates are : 6, 15, 24 OF EVERY MONTH
Your Lucky Colors are: BLUE, ROSE, PINK, WHITE
------------> NAME & PLACE COMPATIBILITY <------------
************** HEAD NUMEROLOGIST by www.astroccult.net ***************
You are number 6 person. Number 6 is governed by the
planet venus or "sukra". This number represents beauty,
aesthetics, matter and libido.
Your nature and personality
you are magnetic and attract others like anything. You
are very conscious of beauty and grace. You are romantic and
ideal in all matters of affection. You love beautiful
things, you make artistic homes. You are fond of rich colors,
paintings and music and poetry. This the reason that you
always wear clothes of your interest and fashion. Disorder,
dirt, ugliness, discord, jealousy and foolery
are not liked by you. You want to
live a peaceful and happy life. You are specially attracted
towards the fair sex. If you are rich you are very generous
to art and artists.
You are determined in carrying out your plans and are
likely to be considered obstinate and unyielding. But if
you are yourself attached then you almost become a devoted
slave to those you love. You have the power of making
friends easily. You love to entertain your friends and make
everyone happy.
Your merits
your attractive body, sweet voice, and sober nature
impress a stranger easily.
You are popular and come to know the secrets of others in
just gossiping.
You love to work methodically. And think sufficiently
before doing a work.
Owing to your amicable and friendly nature, you become a
loved one of your relatives and friends.
You love to travel. In fashion, dress, make-up, and
self-beautification, you are the leader.
You are a good host. Your interest in finer arts indicates
your refined nature.
You do not like quarrels. If a situation of quarrel or
dispute arises, you usually draw back and tend to
Your demerits
you can be jealous and obstinate.
You are not much thoughtfull.
Indulgence in luxury, comfort and sex weakens your
capacity to work. You should avoid them.
You always like to be surrounded by your friends and
admirers. Therefore, people get their work done from you
simply by flattering you. In this way you can be deceived.
You lay importance to excessive show and outer beauty and
in the process spend money lavishly. And may fall under the
burden of debt.
You spend most of your time and energy in accumulating
luxury goods and such things.
You are afraid of struggle and cannot face it for a long
time. You easily become a desperate.
Important years of you life
the sun of your luck will rise or would have risen in
your 24th year. The 6th, 15th, 24th, 33rd, 42nd, 51st, 60th,
69th and 78th year of your life will prove to be
significant. In other words, major happenings, changes and
success will come in these years.
Since for number 6 people, 4,5,8 are also favourable
numbers, therefore, the following years will also be of
importance in your life.
(1) 4,13,22,31,40,49,58,67,73.
(2) 5,14,23,32,41,50,59,68,74.
(3) 8,17,26,35,44,53,62,71,80.
On the basis of your past experiences, find out your good
years and know your future years according to that.
Your lucky days, month, and dates
your most important days in the week are friday, tuesday
and thursday. If on these days the date is 6,15, and 24,
then these days will prove very lucky. Similarly, the above
dates of every month are favourable for you. In particular
the period between 13 may and 14 june is highly favourable .
Should in this period , the dates 6, 15, and 24 fall on
friday then starting a new work or celebrarting an
auspicious ceremony will be highly rewarding.
Your health
in general you keep a good health. You have a robust body.
You keep well in places where you can have plenty of fresh
air and exercise. Women born under number6 are likely to
suffer with their breasts. The heart, as a general rule
becomes affected in latter years and produces irregular
circulation of blood.
If the planet venus 0r "sukra" is weak in transit , then
you may aquire sex diseases, cough, & constipation. You are
also inclined to suffer with the throat, nose and lungs.
The principal fruit and vegetables for you are : all kinds
of beans, spinach, mint, melons, pomegranates, apples,
peaches, apricots, figs, walnuts, almonds. The months to be
guarded against bad health and over-work are october and
november. You will find that the 15th, 24th, 42nd and 51st
years will bring you important changes in your health.
Your love and sex life
since you lay great importance to beauty, you are easily
attracted towards the opposite sex. Physical love is more
important for you than mental love. Therefore you are likely
to change your sex partner often for your physical
satisfaction. You make good relations with 5,4 and 8
numbers. With 1 and 2 you are never at ease.
Your profession and career
opportunities ans fields are unlimited these days. And it
is next to impossilble to enumerate all the fields suitable
for you. Even then, a few best suitable jobs for you can be
told. They are : artist, actor, designer, advertisement,
modelling, tailoring, readymade garments, painting,
jewellery, singer, dancing, music, hotel business, knitting
work, fashion, cosmetics, art, and decoration goods.
Your lucky color and jewels
you should dress as much as possible in all shades of
blue, from the lightest to the darkest.All shades of rose or
pink and white color are also good for you. You should
follow this color scheme in selecting the color of your
sleeping room. You will see that this color rule will have
an excellent effect in soothing your nerves you will rest
and sleep better in rooms having your own colors.
Your lucky stone are turquoise, emeralds and diamonds. As
far as possible you should wear a piece of turquoise next to
your skin.
For success, your attention please
physical labour is not suitable for you. You should do
some mental job. Keep alert and aware. You should contain
your indulgence in luxury, physical love and comforts. Give
up jealousy and laziness.
An occult advice
you should avoid 1 and 2 people. Always keep a white cloth
or a handkerchief in your pockets. You should wear diamond
of one "ratti" in a silver ring in your middle finger on a
friday. It will be beneficial for you. A fast on friday will
be good for your health and peace of mind. You should wear a
"sukra yantra", which is a talisman. It is drawn for you
below :
| | | |
| 11 | 6 | 13 |
| | | |
| | | |
| 12 | 10 | 8 |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| 7 | 14 | 9 |
this yantra should be enclosed in gold or silver or copper
and using a red thread wear it round your neck or right arm.
This talisman will bring you good luck and protect you from
evil influences. You should donate white colored articles
such as rice, milk, white cloth, white flower, curd and
perfumes. This will remove the evil effect of the planet
venus or sukra.
1 Gram =5 Carats = 1000 Milligramms
200 Milligramms =1 Carat
182 Milligramms =1 Standard Ratti (Stones Ratti)
1 carat = 1.098 rattis
1 ratti = 0.91 carat
Famous People Born Under The Number 6
Queen Victoria of England Born 24th May
Napoleon I Born 15th August
Frederick the Great Born 24th January
Henry VI Born 6th December
Oliver Cromwell Born 24th April
Cecil Rhodes Born 6th July
Joan of Arc Born 6th January
Admiral Lord Jellicoe Born 6th December
President Taft (USA) Born 15th September
Sir Walter Scott Born 6th December
Sir Henry Irving Born 6th February
Joseph Choate (US Ambassador to England) Born 24th January
Susan B. Anthony (Suffragette) Born 15th February
Michelangelo (Painter) Born 6th March
Elizabeth Browning (Poet) Born 6th March
President Diaz (Mexico) Born 15th September
Sir William Herschel (Astronomer) Born 15th November
Grace Darling (Heroine) Born 24th November
Warren Hastings (Statesman) Born 6th December
John Knox (Reformer) Born 24th November
Moliere (Author) Born 15th January
Max Muller (Philosopher and Poet) Born 6th December
Daniel O'Connell (Statesman) Born 6th August
Count de Paris (Louis Philippe) Born 24th August
Admiral Peary (North Pole fame) Born 6th May
Sir Arthur Pinero (Author) Born 24th May
Rembrandt (Painter) Born 15th July
Alfred Tennyson (Poet) Born 6th August
George Westinghouse (Inventor) Born 6th October
Your fate number
your fate number is 6. This number will repeat and recur
in your life whether you like it or not. The events that
take place may either be good or bad but they are important
and significant events. Your fate number shows that you
have a harmonious and friendly background with sentimental
attachments.The work done in partnership will prove much
more successful than that undertaken independently.You will
become increasingly popular with your associates.As regards
health,watch carefully for throat ailments and chills.
Your name's compound number is - 12 -
This number needs to be watched by you as it can be good or
bad. But generally bad. Anxieties, sacrifies, money problems,
domestic problems come under the influence of this number.
This number foreshadows one being sacrificed or victimised
in the plans of others. There will be reversals in life.
You should mind your material goals and cultivate spiritual
Your Name Number (Expression Number) Characteristics
Name Number, also called Expression Number is the sum of the numerological values of all the letters of the full name reduced to a single digit. It represents the image of your personality perceived by others. It shows the environment and opportunities to be met and your potential for
accomplishments. The power of this number should be clearly Understood in order to use its potential. Understanding this number is helpful in making one adjust his / her social and professional behaviour for success in life. When one is not aware of the potential of this number, it implies
that there exists some weakness on the level of the Intimate Number. In this case, you should pay attention to the potential of the intimate number and strengthen it before you are able to tap the potential of your name number.
A name is likely to have more than one parts. The first name or the given name represents your personal side of nature. It shows your individuality.
The second or the middle name refers to the reserved energies that comes into play at the time of necessity. The Family Name or the Sur Name represents the hereditary influences on the person. The Heredity Number or the Family Name Number is the Sum of all letters of the surname (family name) reduced to a single digit. It shows those traits or potential
elements which are common to all the members of your family. Generally the family vibrations exercise a minor but significant influence on the
personality. The characteristics of each part of a name may be harmonizing
or conflicting but it is the final Name Number that is of utmost
If the length of your first name is longer than your family or surname, it is indication of your strong individuality. If the surname is longer than the first name, it implies that the influence of family heritage on your personality is more pronounced.
Your Name Number is 3
You share the following traits:
Generally talentd and creative, extrovert and helpful. Sociable with good communication skills in writing and speaking. You like to enjoy life. You can be a preacher and a saint. Under the negative influence you are vain, critical, garrulous and superficial.
Your Desire Number
The desire number is the sum of the numerological values of the vowels of the full name reduced to a single digit. It reveals your inner desire which you may or may not consciously know. This number represents your deep motivations which are significant to you. It governs you when you exercise your faculty to make choices and decisions in your life. Your
Name Number is ptentially influenced by Desire Number. If this number is in harmony with other major numbers of your life, then your decisions are generally satisfying otherwise things become burdensome.
Your Desire Number is : 7
You share the following traits:
The person is quite selective with strong likes and dislikes; believes in perfection in everything; scientific temper; can be non-conformist; thinker and whimsical.
Another important aspect regarding the desire number and the intimate number is that if the proportion of vowels in your name is significantly higher then it indicates a natural tendency or aptitude towards mental or intellectual activities. If the number of consonants is higher than vowels, then it implies a mind which is more comfortable with concrete
ideas and facts than abstract or conceptual ideas.
In your name the number of vowels is 4 and the number of consonants is 9
Your Intimate Number
The Intimate Number is the sum of the numerological values of all the consonants of the full name reduced to a single digit.It reveals the unconscious aspects of your personality. In situations of stress, tension, dilemma and conflicts, this number governs you. Your answer or reaction in such circumstances is according to this number. Understanding this number will be helpful in knowing the hidden psychological aspects of your personality. You can improve your weaknesses in the hour of difficulty and stress.
Your Intimate Number is 5
You share the following traits:
A versatile, active, flexible, enthusiastic freedom-loving person having zest for life; well-dressed according to the fashion; has good communication skills; interested in varied subjects; can be short-sighted, frivolous and impulsive; does not like routine and conflicts. shows resilience.
Your Cornerstone
Each letter of the alphabet is the symbol of a concept. Every word therefore tells a story when you know the meaning of each alphabet. Your name reveals your inborn and hidden characteristics, your likes and dislikes.
The first letter of your first name is known as the Cornerstone in Numerology. It is the first stone of the edifice of your personality. It reveals your natural inclinations, aptitudes and your attitudes. The cornerstone of a person gives you a hint about him / her.
Your name begins with the alphabet J.
So your Cornerstone is J the implications of which are:
You like to find out new associations. You take pride in being in touch with the very latest developments and innovations. You are quick to seize new ideas. Usually, you have a positive outlook . You quickly change your attention from one subject to another and do not to pursue a subject for a long time. J being the 10th letter, you have many of the qualities shown
by the number 1. On the whole, you have leadership, prosperity and success of life. You have a magnetic personality and you follow intellectualpursuit and cultural activities. You are motivated and self-confident. You show initiative and prefer taking action to remaining passive. You sometimes act impulsively. Under negative influence, you become lazy.
* * * *
* * 1 * *
* * SUN * * PLANE
* * * *
* * * *
* * * 5 *
* * * * MENTAL
* * * MER * PLANE
* * * *
* * * *
* * * 4 *
* * * * MATERIAL
* * * SUN * PLANE
* * * *
MERCURY AND SUN are conjunct
government job or service or related business, good intellect and education but fear of loss. possibility of illness, association with hospital, mental asylum is possible, eyes vision problems.
No Opposition in the Numerological Horoscope
Your birth number, fate number, astro-logical number and name number all influence you in many and different ways. One or more of these governing numbers may be very good for you and others bad for you. If a number is giving good results, you need not undertake any remedial measure just like a healthy person needs no medicines. But when a governing number proves to be persistently bad and gives ill effects, then you may undertake its remedial measure.
The indications of good as well as bad results of your governing numbers are described below. Remedial measures to be underatken are also given.
A word of caution : do not repeat remedial measures often. All remedies to be done after sunrise and before sun set. Do not undertake remedial measure if it is raining, or cloudy and windy day or weather is bad.
Your Birth Number is : 6
Your Fate Number is : 6
Your Astrological No. : 9
Indications of number 6 when good are : conjugal happiness,
domestic harmony and peace, over all prosperity, marriage,
help from spouse and women, interest in music, arts, acting,
romance etc.
When bad number 6 indicates : loss of domestic peace and
harmony, quarrel between husband and wife, social humiliation,
loss of money, cow or buffallow etc. In this case, you should
undertake remedial measure to reduce the ill effects of number
Remedial measures :
1. Wear diamond "heera" of 3 or 6 rattis in platinum or gold
in the little or ring finger of your right hand on a Friday with the advice of a competent astrologer. If in doubt contact astroccult.Net.
2. Donate a cow on a friday.
3. Wear moonstone of 6 rattis in the ring finger of your right hand.
4. Donate on friday mornings after sunrise things related
to venus like rice, sugar (mishri), milk, curd,
clarified butter (pure ghee), white flowers, white
clothes etc to young persons for 21 fridays at a stretch.
This will give good results.
5. Feed a cow with green fodder for seven days at a stretch
starting from a friday.
6. Feed cows with potatoes mixed with turmeric powder (haldi).
7. Get some blue flowers and throw them in a drain. This will give good results.
8. Plant basil (tulsi plant) in a religious place or temple.
This will also give good results.
9. Chant the following mantra starting from friday:
"om dram drim drom sah shukraye namah". (Chant 16000 times) this will appease venus and be helpful.
When good, number 9 indicates : great physical strength,
association with army, navy, air force, police, fire, risky
jobs, etc., Great courage, respect, authority, influence,
surgeon, etc.
When bad, number 9 indicates : accidents, abortions, family
quarrels, loss from fire, temper, anger, rash, anarchist,
loss or reasoning etc. In this case, you should undertake
remedial measures to reduce the ill effects of this number.
Remedial measures :
1. Wear coral (moonga) of 6 or 9 rattis in gold ring in
the ring finger of your right hand on a tuesday with
the advice of a competent astrologer or contact
2. Throw sugar ("pattase" ) in the flowing water of a river
or canal for 8 tuesdays.
3. Donate red colored sweets, clothes etc.
4. Fast for 28 tuesdays at a stretch. This given good results.
5. Chant the mantra "om hum pawanandanay swaha"
or "hanuman chalisa" everyday for 108 times a day.
This will help you solve your problems
either physical or job / business related.
6. Take 7 whole grains of barley and wash them in the urine of a calf. Tie them in a red cloth and on a tuesday make it flow in the running water of a river. This remedy will help solve your marriage
7. Donate red sandalwood, gur (raw sugar) and copper. Also give yellow or red sweet rice or sweet baked bread (paranthas) made of raw sugar (gur/ shakar) to a needy person. This will protect you from sudden accidents, injuries, disputes and disharmony with your Brothers.
8. Feed handicapped with food continuously for 7 consecutive tuesdays.
9. Put water in a copper utensil on a monday night by your bedside and next day, immediately after sunrise, use this water to water a banyan tree. Do this for 27 tuesdays at a stretch.
10. There should be no furnace or "tandoor" inside your house.
11. Chant this mantra starting from a sunday:
"om kram krim krom sah bhomaye namah" (chant 10000 times)
this will remove the ill effects of mars.
Graphic Representation of Your Numbers
Name : Jeffrey Archer
Sex : M
Date of Birth : Monday, 15 April 1940
Alphabet System : CHALDEAN
-- Name Number --
Your Name Number (Expression Number) is the sum of the numerological
values of all the letters of the full name reduced to a single digit as
shown below:
J - 1
E - 5
F - 8
F - 8
R - 2
E - 5
Y - 1
3 0 = 3
Archer (family name)
A - 1
R - 2
C - 3
H - 5
E - 5
R - 2
1 8 = 9 (Heridity Number)
3 + 9 = 12
1 2 = 3
Name Number : 3
Repetition of Numbers in Your Name (Inclusion)
Each letter or alphabet of your name has a number value as per the alphabet values system used. And a letter more often than not gets repeated in a name. So, every name has a certain number of 1s, 2s, 3s and so on. The Inclusion calculates the number of times letters occur with the value 1, value 2 etc. When a number is repeated, it indicates that the
properties of that number are intensified or strengthened in the character of the person. This is the reason that two persons having the same name number or same birth or fate number behave very different. It should be noted that the Inclusion presents a complementary additions to the main
study of the Name Number, Intimate Number and Desire Number.
The average quantity of repetition of numbers (for a name having 12 to 19 letters) for a balanced character is given below. If your name is significantly longer or shorter than 12-19 letters, you should make adjustments accordingly.
Number Average Repetition
1 3 times
2 1
3 1/2
4 1
5 3/4
6 1/2
7 0/1
8 1
9 3
So, for a balanced character, 1 should appear thrice in a name; 3 should appear once or twice; 5 thrice or four times and so on. If a particular number is repeated less than its average number of repetition, then the properties of that number are significantly reduced in the character of
that person except if that number appears elsewhere as a major number like fate number, birth number etc. If a number is completely missing in the name, it signifies a Karmic debt which may get reduced if the number appears elsewhere. According to a theory in numerology, the missing numbers indicate the effect of Karma (actions) in our previous birth. So the missing numbers means we have to experience or suffer the disadvantages of them. The Karmic debt is the price one has to pay in the present life in the form of obstacles, hardships, failures, accidents, disappointments, unhappinesss, weaknesses etc. as per the nature of the missing numbers. The debt should be paid willingly and without resentment.
Once the debt is fully paid, the person exhibits a strong potential.
Significantly above average or below average numbers in a name indicate the two extremes shown by the unusual behaviour of a person. Each number has positive characteristics and negative characteristics and so no number is fully good or bad. It is the balance between the numbers that is important.
It must be clearly noted that the repetition analysis of numbers in your name given here applies only when the alphabet values system is either Chaldean or Pythagorean or if you use user-defined values, then each alphabet value must be from 1 to 9 only. If you use Kabbalah system or the user-defined values in which one or more alphabets have two digit values
i.e. >=10, then the results given below are incomplete and so inaccurate.
You are advised to use single digit alphabet values for the Inclusion analysis to be accurate.
In your Name:
Letter No of times Repeated Numerical Value of Letter (CHALDEAN)
A 1 1
C 1 3
E 3 5
F 2 8
H 1 5
J 1 1
R 3 2
Y 1 1
In your Name, Number is repeated (no of times) which is
1 3 average
indicates --> dominating, rigid,
self-control, self-centred, strong opinions, can be impatient
2 3 above average
indicates --> considerate,
caring and helpful, desires companionship, patience, good mediator,
sometime hypersensitive and over-emotional, tactful, diplomatic,
3 1 average
indicates --> self-expression,
artisic and creative pursuits, good at writing, popular and romantic,
seeks praise
4 0 below average
indicates --> lacks capacity to
work hard, weak organizational skills, impractical
5 4 average
indicates --> expressive,
versatile, diplomatic, resourceful, restless, changeable, impulsive,
curious, indulgence in luxury possible
6 0 below average
indicates --> lacks sense of
duty, irresponsible behaviour, must learn to take care of others
7 0 below average
indicates --> lacks analytical
ability, lacks interest in spirituality, unwilling to learn new things
8 2 above average
indicates --> fond of power and
position and material accomplishments, good business acumen, sensible,
good judgement, workaholic, material gains
9 0 below average
indicates --> lacks sympathy
tolerance and courage, selfish, unsympathetic, rash, careless
--- Your Birth Number and Fate Number (Life Path Number) ---
Your date of Birth is 15/04/1940
Your Birth Number is the day number of the month of your birth reduced to a single digit.
Your Month Number is the month number of your birth reduced to a single digit.
Your Fate Number or Life Path Number is the sum of your full birth date reduced to a single digit.
-- Birth Number --
1 5 = 6
Birth Number : 6
-- Month Number --
Month Number : 4
-- Year Number --
1 9 4 0 = 14 1 4 = 5
Year Number : 5
-- Fate Number (Life Path Number) --
Birth Number + Month Number + Year Number = Fate Name (reduced to a single digit)
6 4 5 = 15
1 5 = 6
Fate Number : 6