Napoleon's Book of Fate (Letter F) Match your symbol with the corresponding symbol in the table below & find out your future as per the significance of the letter F
By persevering you will recover your property.
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It is out of the stranger's power to return.
You will gain and be successful in foreign parts.
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A great fortune is ordained for you - wait
There is great hindrance to your success at
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You will obtain your wishes by means of a friend.
Signifies there is sorrow and danger before you.
This day is unlucky - therefore alter your
The prisoner will be restored to liberty and
The patient's recovery is doubtful.
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She will have a very fine boy.
A worthy person, and a fine fortune.
Your intentions would destroy your rest and peace.
This love is true and constant - forsake it not.
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Proceed on your travels, or journey, and you will
have cause to repent it.
If you trust this friend, you may have cause for